Saturday, August 21, 2021

New acquisition

I have to update new info our new bike after some low life decide to place three nails into my rear tyre while I parked this beauty in our local shopping centre. Thought I'd left crime behind but it seems not. Maybe it may have been a local bike hater or an act of jealousness. But this act was life threatening and our local police was disgusted...

Anyhow now the owner of the Pirelli Angel GTII.

I haven't had a motorbike since 2001 when we left Australia for India. I've been dreaming and fantasizing for another ever since. Then there was this bike sitting at our local dealership. A Yamaha 2006 FZ1S with 70,000Klm. It must have been an omen.

It arrived on Wednesday last and I took it out the next day, rather nervous with its 150BHP a detuned R1 but I needn't have worried it handles so well with a very comfortable upright dirt bike position. Must be the bargain the century. Freedom on the open road again....

Second hand test: Yamaha FZ1 Fazer (2006) - Bing video